21st Birthday Investment Psychology

Dear guys,

Interested in opinions.

If someone had given you a copy of The Richest Man in Babylon for your 21st birthday what do you think your reaction would have been? A cheapskate present or something more valuable than all your other presents combined?


Knowing what I know now- an important present- but still a cheapskate one :D

I'd be giving it in conjunction with the "real" present- but give them an incentive to read the book.

Are you asking because you received it, or because you want to give it :D ?
I'd prefer a playstation 2 for my 25th if your asking...

I agree though that the best thing to do would be to give them an incentive to read it (like a PS2).

My friends are getting shitty with me always talking about investment stuff and I've seen them rolling their eyes ... I think I drum it too much and shake my head too condescendingly when they buy another stupid gadget ...

You probably don't have that problem and now I'm just waffling

signing off
Dear Geoff,

Are you asking because you received it

Alas when I was 21 I was not given such a book.

I took it upon myself to give a couple of my relatives at their 21st birthdays TRMIB, hoping to impart something to make their lives more successful and easier.

It is interesting the reactions I received and hence the reason for asking this question.

Relatives are a great source for reinforcing what NOT to do. But you and I already knew that. ;)



I suspect that when I (or you) were given such a book at 21 we would have had the same reaction. Slightly less than positive.

I had a friend who used to give electric toothbrushes as a present.

Long term benefits for the recipients.

Short term negative vibes from the recipients.

Twenty years ago, I was a conformed smoker. I knew it was bad for me. I knew I shouldn't do it. But it felt good- well, maybe not- but I really need that cigarette when I started the day.

Intellectually, it was bad. But I still did it.

I needed something other than the "smoking kills" approach.

I just decided one morning that I didn't need that ciggie.

That was 15 years ago.

It was a hard road. Five years afterward, I was still having dreams that I was smoking again.

But the incentive to give up had to be from myself. I could not be motivated by anything anyone else told me.

No books, ideas, horror campaigns... it had to come from inside.

Sunstone, I'd continue to give the book. But only together with something else which had a much higher perceived benefit. (toasters etc).
Originally posted by Sunstone

If someone had given you a copy of The Richest Man in Babylon for your 21st birthday what do you think your reaction would have been?

I would have liked it, though I don't think most would :D
I think I'd still give it as PART of an overall present rather than the only present.

Sure you can make the big gesture of just TRMIB to I suppose make them think that maybe this is something really special and they'd better take notice, but what if they're not quite at that stage of appreciating it the way you do?

Who's birthday is it anyway?

You may love and appreciate stuffed toads, but do you give the person one of these for their birthday in the hope that they will 'wake up' and appreciate it the way you do?

As part of an overall present, give them the book, give them some words to go with it where you tell them what it means to you and let life unfold the way it will would be my opinion.

Give them the book, they are now an adult, you are giving them the opportunity to take the next step in their life.

The fact that they have the book they might one day say," well I have this book I might as well read it" and that little old light will come on in their head and 10 years later they will give you a free trip around the world as a thank you!!
Dear guys,

Appreciate the input.

Funnily enough if you give two presents then the perceived value of TRMIB will be decreased.

If you give only it and some explanation as to it's importance then maybe there is a higher chance that it will be actually be read.

Well a few more years now before the next round of 21st's.........

Although Christmas could be interesting.

