2bdr unit - Northgate in Brisbane....

Hi All,

Just like to share my experience over the w/e concerning a 2bdr, 1bath, 1 LUG, cabity brick in unit at Northgate –you can view its details here


Anyway, I rock up to the open inspection on Saturday morning (10-10:30am)….the unit itself needed some minor work….its not unlivable at the moment (currently tenanted until March 2007 at $190 a week with the tenant quite happy to let minor renovations take place), but could do with a new kitchen, bathroom vanity, shower screen and some paint touch-ups above the shower area where there's peeling due to moisture…nothing major – I approximated around $6-8K of work….so I get talking to the RE Agent (Ray White Nundah) and he tells me its been on the market for 4 weeks…was originally listed at $249k but he managed to convince the seller to go down to a reasonable $199K + offer price….I ask would something in the mid 190’s seal it?...he says the seller won’t take it and that he had an offer at $195k last week and he rejected it.”…I go “So what figure is he looking for?”…The RE Agent replied “$199k, that’s what he told me”….to cut a long story short, I leave the open inspection, do a little bit of number crunching and realise this property has some real value at that price….so I head to the Ray White office and put down an offer - $199K, $2K cash deposit, 21 day finance, 40 day settlement…and then I wait….this is where it gets interesting ---> Sunday morning comes round, and the RE Agent calls to say the owner changed his mind, he now wants $205K….lol…..HE WENT UP IN PRICE!…..you got to be kidding me!….I asked the agent how does that work considering he told me that $199K would buy the place…then the Agent goes on to say how this seller is one of the worst procrastinators he’s seen….a time-waster...he advised me to walk away from the deal cause there was no way this guy was going to budge….so I did….

Btw, I looked on RPdata and the same property sold back in 1997 for $69K….WOW!....talk about an increase in capital gains…

Hi Grubar,

If the numbers work out maybe an offer of $200,500 will work? Sometimes getting over a number like $200K is a mental thing for sellers. To you it is only $1500 to them it means they got over $200k for their property instead of under $200K. Presuming it works out for you financially I would put in one more offer. Will certainly let you know if he is wasting your time. Also perhaps see what the else the seller wants, why is he a "procrastinator" is he looking for another house and wants a settlement when he finds one? Does he want a quick settlement? Maybe you could negotiate at $199K if you knew what other settlement options he was interested in. The REA seems willing to spill plenty of goss.

Certainly walk away if they keep stuffing you around, plenty of opportunities out there.

[email protected]
Hi mcdeyess,

Fair call.....but I tried that - I countered with $201K (should have mentioned that!)...he didn't want a bar of it...honestly, last unit I bought was larger in size, positioned better and more appealing in every aspect really, and that set me back $205K....there's no way this one is worth $205k....but hey, he's got a mindset that it is....we'll see what the market says....but I think it won't be all bad for him as some owner-occupier will see it as an affordable step into home ownership.

Really, I just put my story out there because some other forum member might jump at the opportunity....

As for going back and getting more goss from the RE Agent, it's a lost cause....I've already turned my focus to spending an extra $15-$20K and buying something with more upside that's a bit closer to the planned shopping village.....

stay tuned....
