Anyone read this book?

Okay.... someone's gotta do it.

Can I buy it for $5 when you're finished with it :D

Don't do what my hubby does. He takes a paperback on the bus to and from work. If it is an older one and a bit shabby, he tears out the bit he just read on the bus and throws it in the bin.

By the end of the book, it fits in his pocket much more easily :D

I've got it but havent had time to read it yet. From the picture I thought it was more of a textbook so figured it'd be worth $100. But seems smaller than the Ron Forlee books for $100?

However content may be great so i'll reserve my judgement
i haven't read it and, even tho quite a few people say it is great, i found that rob forlee's book was (by necessity) so general and all encompassing that it really wasn't that useful when trying to apply it to a specific situation.

but this is how a book of this type has to be because regulations and restrictions vary from council to council, state to state and very dependant on a person unique situation that it could be nothing but a vague outline.

i read the forlee book, but learnt a million times more by talking to people, asking questions of my team - and just doing it. a huge learning curve undertaken during the first build (read: near brain implosion), but priceless in learning for my specific area and situation. now it is just a case of find the block, "tick the boxes", okay the plans, contract the builder ... no stress, no emotion (okay, a bit of thrill!) and almost mundane ...