Battle for Bigger WA

From The West

Julia Gillard has declared a re-elected Labor Government will work towards a bigger WA, saying she wants to end the State's skilled worker shortage by attracting bigger, permanent populations to the booming Pilbara and Kimberley.

In an exclusive interview with The West Australian, the Prime Minister said she wanted to reduce the socially corrosive fly in, fly out phenomenon and end the reliance on section 457 visa workers by making places such as Karratha and Kununurra more attractive to other Australians.

But Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has cast doubt on Ms Gillard's plan, saying it was "almost impossible" to get land released in these areas for development.

Ms Gillard said that when she talked about having a sustainable Australia - rather than a Big Australia - it was about getting people to go where the jobs were.

"There are some places that do want to see growth and need to see growth - Karratha, Kununurra, places that have got jobs prospects, economic potential, they're looking for skilled workers, they want their community to develop," she said.

She said parts of WA had got stuck in a "perverse cycle" where people wanted to go and live where there were good jobs but were stopped by prohibitively expensive housing.

"One of the reasons we announced the Better Regional Cities program was to help with that, to harness that sense in those communities that they did want to see more growth, have more people live there, make their lives, their kids in schools, all the rest of it," Ms Gillard said.

She admitted the $200 million program, which aims to build 15,000 new homes and community infrastructure in regions over the next three years, was modest but said it was "my way of signalling this is a direction where we want to see growth in those regional centres that want it and need it".

yeh whatever Julia, I could have told you that years ago. Just tax the mining towns out of existence then we can all continue to serve caramel lattes to each other in Darling Harbour and forget that horrid red part of Australia ever existed