Canberraites- anyone after a fundraiser this weekend?

Hopefully this is allowed - easier than a Bunnings BBQ!

I’m organising groups to run the aid stations at the Canberra Half Ironman this coming Sunday December 12th. We have had a group pull out at the last minute and are looking to replace them urgently.
What would be required is to hand out drinks and lollies (all supplied) to athletes as they run past two aid stations at Commonwealth Park (approx.100metres apart). There will be a donation made of $700 to a club that is able to help us out (or if your club is able to help with one aid station please let me know and we can donate $350). We also supply lunches and tshirts on the day, and these roles can be done by kids as young as 7 years old.
The time commitment would be from 8:30am until approximately 2pm on Sunday 12th December – you would need around 3-4 people per aid station at all times (so can rotate through if required).

If your club would be interested please let me know on 0408479851 or on PM