Cave man

I found it interesting on page 8 of the Australian(friday) reading that paleogeneticists have now decoded the neandertal dna which shows that those of us not from Africa are up to 2% neandertal !

Brings new insights to our understanding of human evolution .

I grow a lot of body hair in unmentionable places but now I suppose I can put it all down to the neandertal genome in my bloodline :D
just call me "flathead" ... actually ... went to school with a guy that really was physically closer to the nethanderal side than the coneheads.
read that. original articles here.

seems those who bred with neanders might have gained a survival advantage for cold weather at least, and resourcefulness.

Let's hope they don't find 4% human genetic material in sheep. :confused:
Remember the cartoon. "Cap-TAN Caaaave Maaahhhhnnnn!"

<insert appropriate visual>

You know, the lil hairy guy with the club. His pelt stuck out in spikes.
inserted appropriate visual
what surprised me was that the scientists were surprised. to me it's just logical that they interbred. much on par with lions/tigers, donkeys/horses etc.
hmmmm. I think it was "the others". Or is that something else. Yes, must be LOST I'm thinking of.

But I liked the first few in the clan of the cave bear series. Think the writing got a bit formulaic in the later ones. And the editing a bit lazy too.

That's it almostbob. Got it in one!!!!