Cleaning carpets?

Hi all,

Just wondering about cleaning carpets in an IP. My PM advised me after an inspection I also attended about 18months ago that she would chase the tenant and have them get the carpets cleaned as the same tenant has been in for a couple of yrs now and the carpets are starting to look rather dirty. I was fine with this as I had them professionally cleaned before the lady moved in.

Now they still have not been done 18 months later. Am I within my rights to request they get cleaned or does the tenant just have to have them cleaned if they move out? Say she is in there for 5 or 6 yrs or even more can she get away with only getting them cleaned when she vacates? If I want them cleaned now during her tenancy do I have to pay for it?

Thanks in advance

By cleaning, I assume you are referring to steam cleaning?

You will not be able to 'force' the tenant to steam clean the carpets whilst she is occupying the property. Of course if they vacate, that's different. They would need to steam clean, if that is what was done before they moved in.

How bad are they?