Demand for rentals in NW sydney still high

Well my PM and I agreed to increase the rent on my IP in quakers hill again. Was going from $320/wk-$340wk. The tenant (although never missed payments) was struggling to meet them so has now desided to move on to a granny flat. My Pm called me Wednesday and asked if I was ok for it to get listed now and start to find a new tenant. She is showing the home tomorrow and already has 15 seperate applicants ready to inspect. We ended up putting the rent to $350/wk and see how it went. Seems to have gone ok.
Fingures crossed we get a good tenant to move in asap and hope it all continues to go well.

Good to see the rental side of things ticking along. We had a few yrs there where we only increased by $5/wk so its nice to be getting somewhere now.

Cheers Jayro!