Does James Packer have a twin brother?

Does James Packer have a twin brother?

If not, I think he and companion and "minder" (?) were out for their morning walk today [Friday 11th] at the same time as I was walking in to work. The group were ~5m from me as we crossed from South Perth over the Narrows Bridge into the outskirts of Perth city.

I was tempted to say hello but decided not to interupt their morning. We exchanged smiles.

Genuine smiles are beautiful.

Enjoy your day,
Hi Pete,

My partner use to work for one of the big accounting firms as an auditor which audited News Corp. One day in a rush she brushed past 2 people chatting just outside the lift. When she got in the lift she looked around and thought to herself " What the hell is every one holding the lift for " so she exclaimed " They're not coming!!!" as she impatiently hit the close door sign.

Everyone's jaw hit the ground as one woman goes " do you know who that was you just shut the door on??? it was Lachlan Murdoch."

Well, suffice to say that did a couple of laps round the office :)