Does networking help you?

Do you find networking with people helps you with your investing strategies?

Is it through a game of golf, at the airport in transit or even at property auctions that you meet someone and find you both have similar interests or strategies and end up helping each other with these? Perhaps it's only a one sided thing where the other person can help you?

Let us know what you've gotten out of networking and if it actually works for you.
Specifically looking at property investing, networking is fantastic both to learn new investing strategies & to affirm what you are already doing.

I've learn heaps through speaking with other investors - mostly via events organised via this forum.

Networking in general is very good for meeting complementarially skilled people & sharing information. I used it extensively through my working career.

In fact all my working roles from 1995 til my retirement end 2001 were created via networking - this included finding partners with whom I established businesses, meeting editors (as friends) for whom Jas & I are still writing, and friends who introduced me to companies who I subsequently consulted to or worked for.

This may seem off-topic to investing, however all my networking through this period assisted us in building the base we required for investing. I have also had many long discussions with work mates about investing, how to do it and how they do it, all extremely valuable.

So networking has indeed worked for me and I don't regard myself as a particularly good networker compared to some people I've met :)


I have worked with a lot of people who are very negative. I don't talk about property sort o stuff with most people any more. So I find it's a great help to talk with people who are positive. About property- or about whatever.

I find it a huge help to talk to people who are doing similar things- and who can help to motivate me.

Like anything in life- when you choose your path, choosing the people you travel that path with can really help you.

I don't cut out people who don't have that same path in mind as some people would. But I will not let them stop me from the path I want to travel.

Hey Mike,
Don't know about you but I get a huge amount out of our networking sessions on your veranda enjoying the view of the valley. Mind you, most of what's discussed is non-property related, ha ha. Catch up with you when you get back, buddy.
Simple pleasures

That's the spirit Jim, though next time we could even have a session on the boat.

What do you reckon? A game of golf would be fun too. Anyone out for a game of golf? We could all get something out of it.

Depending on where we play we may 'network' with some high profile, high felutin' person or at least get a laugh watching each other play.

Simple Pleasures

Count me in, mate. The handicap in our case may be the people hanging off the end of the clubs, tho. Have my trust fund set up now so there will be NO stopping me. Look out Voyagers and Orient, haha. You'll know what I mean.
give me some notice and I may make it up.

FAIR WARNING: I only play once a year, get blisters after 11 holes, and can't see where the ball lands (so you have to spot for me). But I do want to improve my game ;)

