Found much cheaper management rate, what to do?

Hi there.

I've been using a rental specialists agency for my portfolio in Darwin and all competition is the same there. Rates are 10% +GST..

My management company hasn't really been good this past year or so because they're so busy. I don't think they do anything that other agencies don't, they don't even send me photos! I called them yesterday and told them I was considering switching, I wanted to know exxactly what fees I was paying, they said they'd call me back but never did..

I had a tenant break a lease not long ago at $400p/w, it sat vacant for 6 weeks before the tenant finally said enough was enough. Agent didn't know why there was no interest in the property.. I look on and find that rents in the area had dropped $40-$50p/w, I drop it $50 and get a tenant straight away.. Why did the PM say she did not know why we had no interest??

Theres a smaller REA co that have a property management side, they have 2x employees, and manage around 200 properties. their rate is 6% +GST.
Thuis would save me thousands per year. Other fees are the same as I pay now, which I wasn't expecting.

I know that most say 'you get what you pay for' and I'm a little scared of the unknown but as far as I can tell, this place may even do a better job than I receive now (not hard to do though) AND they take quarterly inspection photos for me.

I think I'll be changing over.
Just had to share.
As you can imagine, we deal with loads of property managers. Some are great, others not so.
I'm wary of PM's who compete on rates. If there is less money coming in, something needs to give. It usually ends up with a PM having way too many properties to manage.
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