free evaluations from Renewal SA - Playford alive area Adelaide

So i have just received a letter from my PM about my IP in the Playford alive redevelopment area and they have asked if I would like a free property inspection - involving a visual inspection and photographic record of the IP both cosmetically and structurally. to record existing damage

Is there any advantage to this?

from what I am reading it seems more like a CYA that if the local construction has a negative effect on your property there is proof of said issue being caused or possibly proof they didn't cause the issue depending on the circumstance and how how you think they would use the reports.

other than the previously mentioned I cant think of what value there is to me for them to look at. the document has no mention of making recommendations to improve value, update the current evaluation or actually mention any benefit that this would have to me.

Pros/Cons/and has anyone else had this in their area when local development projects are happening?

Your PM is being proactive regarding advice sent out from the Urban Renewal Authority regarding damage to surrounding properties and offering the free inspections.

You are quite correct that this is simply a CYA exercise for the Urban Renewal Authority. They simply what to document existing damage to properties should the owner make a claim for it down the track.

The pro for you would be that if the construction did cause damage to your property then at least you have evidence that it was not there when they did the inspection.

Your PM is being proactive regarding advice sent out from the Urban Renewal Authority regarding damage to surrounding properties and offering the free inspections.

You are quite correct that this is simply a CYA exercise for the Urban Renewal Authority. They simply what to document existing damage to properties should the owner make a claim for it down the track.

The pro for you would be that if the construction did cause damage to your property then at least you have evidence that it was not there when they did the inspection.

thanks that what i thought.