genworth finance co.


Genworth is a mortgage inurer.

GE used to dabble in the mortgage loan backed market here in Australia, but took their bat and ball home when the GFC hit

GE are still out there doing low value high rate moderate to high risk personal loan and card lending though.

Hi Richard, thanks for the info. I got an email from them & wanted to check if it was a scam or something.

Would it be worthwhile for me to go to them in this scenario:

I have a private loan [11.5%] of $200000 which I used to buy shares & to transfer to smsf [I saved about 30K in taxes] but the shares have halved in value.

I'm looking for an alternative loan to pay out the private lender.

Thanks for taking the time to reply my post.


Thats probably 10- 25 x larger than their target market.

And BTW, an unsolicioted email like that still smells, even though it may look genuine,it makes no sense that an LMI provider would be chasing clients direct

never open or send emails back to unsolicited emails from an email that looks like a funder or lender especially if its from a webpage or email address outside australia.
funders/banks don't send out unsolicited email just to anyone to hook them
and why would they send them to someone in another country
I get 15 to 20 of them a day
thats why you have a delete button use it or lose you files your memory and in some cases your log in details to bank accounts
just because the email has a big m on it does not mean it came from mcdondalds it is most likley mckinsky in moscow
gemworth more like are good at it as well)
just a biit(russian for bit) of advice
while doing this post I have had a us trust fund wanting to lend me 600k usd anyone know them
can send the link if you wish
they just want
solicitors bank account to put it into
date of birth
and drivers license
gee the email looks so real
why because its the same as the other 19 today before it maybe I should do a word doc and have it ready