Going to cairns

I am going to Cairns next month for a hol.

Naturally there I will look at property. Any hints for good suburbs, flood area, local trouble makers, contaminated area or other nasties.

What are the nice suburbs?


Hi Scott,

My Mum and Dad live in Cairns for 4 months each year to avoid the Sydney winter. Mum suggested whitfield, cairns central, cairns north, edge hill, trinity beach, holloways beach, yorkeys knob, trinity beach as nice suburbs ie not many undesirables live there.
Depends whether you want central Cairns or the beach suburbs.
She also said that most of the suburbs starting with "W" should be avoided.

Hi Scott,

I own property in Smithfield Heights (Northern beaches), very close to the Uni. Its always been rented with good return.

When I was looking to purchase in Cairns, it was to avoid any suburb starting with an "M", but if the figures were there I dont think it would stop me.

