
Hi all,

Great site you have here, been reading about 2 years part time here. Good to get other peoples perpectives on different situations. Great ideas everywhere.

Im looking at buying in the near future and currently in the novice learnings stage hence the name. Im looking to flip a ppor for FHOG, then converting IP in the bottom end of the Melbourne market. sub 200k mark as ill struggle to get any finance at the moment.

Im 20yo, read rich dad & richest man in babalyon when I was 16, Jamie McIntyre, been playing cashflow101 for years, fun game. Into Lance Spicer atm, with some Spann on the to-read list too. Ive done the Agents Rep Real Estate course at REIV Melb so have acsess to lots of tasty data :cool: and have basic knowledge of the workings of the sale of real estate.

-Long term goals are build big portfolio, good cashflow, retire, travel, fun & fun.
-Short-Term goals are get more into savings for now, secure some finance and research research research.

Thanks for reading and see you at the next open :)
