Has anyone had any Paranormal Activity with an IP?

Following on from the Murder house thread I would be interested to know if anyone is game enough to admit their past or current experience;

For added trivia on how real this phenomena is, you can muse on a case study based on the employment contract for the light house keepers at Execution Rock. For the first time in US law, why were they allowed to terminate their contract at any time?

I don't buy that calling in someone to burn sage (smudging) will have any lasting effect and seeing how this real phenomena is based on first hand testimonies from thousands of years, documented all over the world surely there are some locals who also wish to share their stories based here in Australia.

Execution Rocks Lighthouse
The Skulls Left Behind

Execution Rocks, sitting at the west end of Long Island Sound in New York since 1851, lends itself to grisly tales just due to its name. According to folklore, the British avoided public executions in Colonial times because they would inflame the revolutionary spirit of the American people. Instead, they would carry the condemned to these reefs at low tide, chain them to rings embedded in the rock, and wait for high tide to carry out the death sentence. Some say the skeletons were left to torture the minds of the newly condemned as they faced certain death. But the ghosts of the condemned had their revenge. A shipload of British soldiers, sent to pursue Washington on his retreat from Manhattan to White Plains, foundered at the reef. No redcoats survived.

The legend of the executions had such hold, that when lightkeepers were assigned to Execution Rocks, they were under a unique contract. No lightkeeper was to ever feel chained to the reef. Instead of stating a set length of duty, their contract read that their length of service was for as long as they were willing. If for any reason, they requested a transfer, it was instantly granted.

Specters have been seen on the rocks near the lighthouse, but the last Coast Guard keeper denied ever having seen anyone that could be construed as a ghost. But with its history, it’s hard to say if maybe he just wasn’t sensitive enough to see them. The lighthouse has also been the scene of fires two times, once in 1918 and once in 1921, both in the engine room. The first time, the fog signal, running for five hours, slowed, and the keeper went to investigate. When he opened the door to the room, he was greeted by flames. The second time, an overheated exhaust pipe caused the roof to catch fire. Perhaps the spirits of those executed and left on the rocks were taking their revenge.
Following on from the Murder house thread I would be interested to know if anyone is game enough to admit their past or current experience;

For added trivia on how real this phenomena is, you can muse on a case study based on the employment contract for the light house keepers at Execution Rock. For the first time in US law, why were they allowed to terminate their contract at any time?

I don't buy that calling in someone to burn sage (smudging) will have any lasting effect and seeing how this real phenomena is based on first hand testimonies from thousands of years, documented all over the world surely there are some locals who also wish to share their stories based here in Australia.

The plural of anecdote is not data.

Nobody was ever executed at Execution Rocks
or perhaps the fact they were pumping too much peanut oil into the old diesel generator and the exhaust gasses were abnormally high and ignited anything near it....

paranormal activity? had / seen plenty.

do i believe in ghosts? no.

i believe in telekenesis though.
mum had a english couple move in to an IP and they did the gardens up and payed 4 months rent in advance, pretty paranormal stuff
I have an investment property that has been haunted for the past 4 years by the same tenant paying rent monthly. I am too scared to go around in case they decide to leave.
Sort of off topic but what I found more interesting than ghost stories, was the falling pebbles/magic stones thing. ABC had a dreary doco on it about 6 months ago if anyone knows what I'm going on about.

I don't neccessarily believe in ghosts but some of the photos on the ghost sites are creepy.

I've got a close family member who is schizophrenic though, and I can see how the brain can trick you. Also, there is often a simple solution/reason behind the weird stuff going on.

As for IP's no, no problems but we've only got one modern unit with modern tenants in it.
I once had a friend whose father way the curator of a large inner city cemetary. The house was adjoined to the cemetary.

She told me that she missed out on a lot if good night kisses as a result.
Wife (girlfriend at the time) Rented a house that backed onto a cemetery and they believed the house was haunted.

Awoke in mornings to the smell of toast cooking, lights would flicker on and off, lamp would glow red and they would hear footsteps down the hall.

They brought in some churchies to do their "stuff".

I think it was a load of BS.
Ghosts: spooks and spectres
were there such a thing there would be standing room only for ghosts only, since ghosts seem unless specifically exorcised to remain forever, its not like they would DIE after all
therefore there are
Victorian Ghosts
Elizabethan Ghosts
Tudor Ghosts
Norman Ghosts
Saxon Ghosts
PIct ghosts
cromagnon ghosts
neanderthal ghosts
proto human ghosts
simian ghosts
all the way back to the first walking slime mould ghosts.

set aside all the cat ghosts, going back to sabre tooth
dog ghosts, back to proto wolf
ghosts of all the semi sentient apes back to ooze
dolphin ghosts ditto

most of those ghosts died horrible deaths and were eaten, so would be very Ghosty

There Aint all those ghosts therefore there aint Ghosts

Surprising how many who believe in reincarnation were Henry iv
and how few were cyril the serf
Ghosts: spooks and spectres
were there such a thing there would be standing room only for ghosts only, since ghosts seem unless specifically exorcised to remain forever, its not like they would DIE after all
therefore there are
Victorian Ghosts
Elizabethan Ghosts
Tudor Ghosts
Norman Ghosts
Saxon Ghosts
PIct ghosts
cromagnon ghosts
neanderthal ghosts
proto human ghosts
simian ghosts
all the way back to the first walking slime mould ghosts.

set aside all the cat ghosts, going back to sabre tooth
dog ghosts, back to proto wolf
ghosts of all the semi sentient apes back to ooze
dolphin ghosts ditto

most of those ghosts died horrible deaths and were eaten, so would be very Ghosty

There Aint all those ghosts therefore there aint Ghosts

Surprising how many who believe in reincarnation were Henry iv
and how few were cyril the serf

what does that mean ?
I think what Almost is saying is that if you consider the trillions of animals and humans that have died over the centuries, then there should be so many ghosts that they are coming out of the ceiling.
Who ya gonna call?

The apartment I live in now was built in 1956. It's an area where old people live.

No doubt something has happened here (death due to natural causes).

Even more so in my last house (which was 100+ years old). My new purchase is a new apartment built inside a 100+ year old tram car factory, where all kinds of crushing and other workplace mishaps probably occurred.

As long as they don't drink my milk on me or eat the last slice of cheese in the fridge I won't mind having them around.
what about the house i think in sydney? where it has been reported miracles have been performed? oil apparently leaks from the walls etc and has been attributed to divine activity?
it was mentioned on tv today.

not sure if divine/holy also means paranormal.
all in the belief i suppose.
