HELP!-GST on SRO Goods Statement

I am trying to understand the Statement for Goods transferred with Residential Land for Victorias SRO, requires you to answer questions on GST - and I cant find any useful help on the Government sites to help me understand the terminology.

Is there anyone out there who can help me?
I'm stuck with Part 2 - Details of Sale
The property is a 1960's unit, that we have owned for quite some years (before GST).

It asks is the price is inclusive contract price - which I believe is the correct option, or is it exclusive for GST?

If it is exclusive for GST how do I answer the following:

'(a) If the contract price is GST exclusive, does the vendor make a taxable supply under the contract or the purposes of GST?' that the answer is 'NO'
'(b) How much GST is payable in relation to this taxable supply?' the answer is '$0.00'
'(c) If nil GST was stated in 2B(b), please provide a brief explanation:'

What does it mean - inclusive of GST / exclusive of GST?

Gosh I hope someone can help quickly, or point me in a direction that I can find some information.

In a JAM ....Just A Mum
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