How long can a house be under contract/ offer?

There are a couple houses I had my eye on a month ago that have now been under contract/ under offer for almost a month now. I'm wondering how long they can stay that way? I'm wondering if it's worth me keeping an eye on them in case they fall through, therefore giving me a chance to make an offer.
Can't speak for the specific houses you are looking at, but be careful if you're just relying on to tell you if it's "Under Contract/Offer" as it's up to the indivdual RE to take the listing down.

Sometimes they will keep it there as it's good avertising for them (ie. look at all the properties I have under contract :cool: ), they could also forget to take it down for a little while too.

My last property was "Under Contract" for another 1 & 1/2 months after the settlement date :) and in total was listed for almost 3 months that way, even though the whole time it was mine. I think in theory once all the clauses of the contract have been fulfilled eg. subject to finance - they should be taken down.