Internet usage query for tech heads

My internet usage is going up without any apprarent reason. The only thing that I've changed on my pc is new tax software, that lodges tax returns online with the ATO using VPN. I do this daily, but it only takes approx 15 seconds from go to woe! :confused:

Could this be eating up megabytes??

I doubt it. It would only be transferring low amounts of data.

Perhaps you have a virus? Perhaps someone is leeching your wireless without you realising?

Has your ISP started charging for uploads as well? (AAPT recently have, I think?).
If you have wireless networking, watch out for leeches taking free rides.

Also, do you use internet streaming material, such as radio or music?
Thanks for the replies.

I don't have wireless unless you mean the radio! So I'll do the virus check and give Bigpound a call.


Log into your bigpond account and check the usage meter to determine when the usage spikes occur. If its happening when your not at the PC, you're clearly being hijacked or BP are not caculating the data correctly.

my friend on bigpond had this, and claimed it all back without a drama.
