Joining freestyler/ vendor finance assoc.

Hi all,

I'm really enjoying this forum and hope that in time I will understand investment property as well as many of you guys. My current plan is to use a wrapping system in smaller country towns (please see post in the general forum area 'Investing in smaller towns').

Anyhow I realise that I need to develop my understanding of the wrap process and plan to purchase a 'WRAP pack' shortly. I have noted however a number of web based companies such as freestyler and vendor finance (WRAPS association) during my research and would like to know whether these would be worthwhile joining?

Any comments/ views appreciated.:confused:
I don't know about the vendor finance groups, I do know something of Freestylers.

Thery're a group of people who meet regularly to discuss things about investing. Sometimes there's speakers, sometimes there's just networking.

There is a cost involved ($160 pa the lat time I looked)- but you can go to one meeting to see what it's like.

I'd suggest that it's worth while going as long as your local meetings are well attended. You'll meet other people doing wraps, that's a great way to learn.

Check out
It appears that Queensland Freestyler meetings are held at Brisbane and Townsville. As I basically live in between both of these I don't expect I'd be able to attend any of the meetings.... is the online and magazine information worth the yearly subscription fee???

I don't think I explained the vendor finance association very well so I though I'd include the link.

If anyone has any other sites or assocations/ groups that they feel would be beneficial for a would be wrapper to join please contribute.
