Just saw RED DOG. What a good movie - but sad - BYO tissues!

Youngest son persuaded me to sit and watch Red Dog today.

I recommend it. I liken it to The Dish and The Castle, quirky, a bit corny, but a really nice move.

I'd be interested to hear if Lizzie (you there Lizzie...) has seen it. I will not go to see War Horse because I know I will cry.

Red Dog has some sad bits. If I had known how much I would cry, I probably would not have started watching, but getting half way in, I needed to see the ending.

You'll need tissues (if you are a sook like me) :eek:. I ended up sobbing with 16 year old laughing at me.

I'm tearing up now just thinking about it. What a great movie (but sad).
My neighbour said, don't watch it stupid movie, we had been really looking forward to watching it.

We loved it, sure it was sad but it takes a lot for me to cry. I loved all that red dust, reminds me of my years living in Hedland when I was a kid. Loved the humour bought back lots of memories. Incredible dog.
Luckily I was at home but I still get embarrassed at getting so upset. I had my dog sitting next to me, which made it more poignant.

I was trying to surreptitiously catch the tears with my tissue, sneaking it so my son couldn't see it. I knew he would find it amusing :eek:.

At the end, I couldn't hold it in any longer and really just sobbed. Silly me getting teary STILL right now as I type this. I just thought it was so touching and I'm tempted to read the book now, to see how true to the real story the film is, but I'll need more tissues for that.

Loved the macho bloke and his knitting. Apart from the sobbing in the parts that made me upset, I was laughing at much of it.

A lady came into my work a few months ago and asked me if I had seen it, and said her son was either the director or producer and urged me to see it, and tell everyone about it. It has taken me this long to do so.
I've heard it's fantastic and it's on my "to see" list. Thanks for the tissue warning!

Undoubtedly I will sob - but so will daughter - so we'll be right
I just thought it was so touching and I'm tempted to read the book now, to see how true to the real story the film is, but I'll need more tissues for that.

I read the book quite soon after I saw the film. It's basically a collection of yarns about Red Dog, and I found that they'd been strung together really well, with a bit of love interest thrown into the mix, for the film. Think I need to watch it again :p.

Hopefully you were in the privacy of your own home, Wylie. I watched it on a Qantas flight and ended up making a total exhibition of myself!!!! :eek:

Lovely movie!


Sorry to go against the flow, but I also started watching it on the plane - booooring! :eek: I ended up reading API or doing a crossword or something!
Hubby also got up after about the first half hour and went back to painting the house. I wish he had stayed for even another ten minutes. It took a while for it to get into the meat of the movie, after the first introductory bits.

I have to admit I thought it might turn "ultra corny" but it went the other way.
You'll need tissues (if you are a sook like me)
Hopefully you were in the privacy of your own home, Wylie. I watched it on a Qantas flight and ended up making a total exhibition of myself!!!! :eek:

Lovely movie!


oh, I always end up sobbing at movies when I'm flying.... I seem to be particularly suspectible to crying when I fly.....
Fortunately, I'm in business class, so there's not too many people that see me!
I went on a work trip with a colleague and watched 'Marley and Me' on the flight - I cried my eyes out at the end - was so embarrasing.
I haven't seen it yet..actually hadn't even heard about it...but now I want to !

I have watched "you got mail" a dozen times over the years..and I still tear up at the end, every time.

Yes, very therapeutic.
Yet to see it, the kids went to watch it some time back and now it out on DVD i may take a look

I watched the making of Bran Nue Dae the other night which was a good 'behind the scenes' look
Sorry to go against the flow, but I also started watching it on the plane - booooring! :eek: I ended up reading API or doing a crossword or something!

I suppose it is a bit of a chick flick. However if you've lived in the beautiful Pilbara, as I have, it has another layer of emotion :).

If you liked 'Red Dog' and are not afraid of using more tissues (entire box), must watch 'Hachiko: A Dog's Story'. It is also based on a true story.
I went on a work trip with a colleague and watched 'Marley and Me' on the flight - I cried my eyes out at the end - was so embarrasing.

You're not alone in bawling at that movie, Nemo. Hubby and I couldn't stop the tears from flowing when watching it at the cinema. To make things worse, we ran into a friend on our way out who exclaimed, in a very serious and concerned manner, "Please, tell me what's wrong!". :D:D:D I had never seen my hubby cry before, despite his job involving some very sad stories, but get him to watch a movie where a dog dies...