Melbourne Early March (to make up for Feb!) Gathering - Camberwell Tuesday 5th

Hi All,

Let's try a different venue slightly "further in" for the next "gathering" (formerly known as "meetings" but seemed to scare too many people off :D )

Please note the DATE change this month for the regulars - have had to move it out a week due to circumstances....

Tuesday 5th MARCH

The Palace Hotel
893 Burke Road
Camberwell, VIC 3124

Booked under "Somersoft" from 7pm onwards.

Everyone welcome, but please rsvp on this thread so I can finalise numbers etc.

The Y-man
I'd love to attend but don't drive, if there is anyone local to Warranwood who would be so kind as to offer me lift I'd be very grateful :)
Hey Y man,
Unfortunately, we wont be able to make it tomorrow, sorry about that.
We will make it to the next gathering next month.
