Melbourne February 2012 Somersoft Meeting - Mitcham (Again!?)

Hi All,

The next Melbourne gathering will be a seminar format - we'll have a guest speaker: Nathan Birch


Mitcham Hotel Function Room (upstairs - enter from front bottleshop driveway side stairs)
556 Maroondah Hwy, Mitcham, Victoria, 3132
(corner Mitcham Rd and Maroondah Hwy next to Mitcham Station)

Tuesday 28th February
Start time: 7:00pm

Nathan will be talking about how he used property as a vehicle to exit the workforce at age of 24:

Finding properties
What to look for in properties
Properties I have purchased personally
What Nathan is purchasing currently
How to build a large amount of properties in a short time frame.

Seeing it is the start of 2012 he will also be looking at goal setting and planning of how you too could expand and grow your portfolio in 2012 and look at what strategies work the best and what property myths can be busted.

Absolutely all welcome, but please RSVP on this thread as the seating is limited.

The Y-man
Hi Y-Man - please put me down tentatively for 2. I don't finish work till 8pm in the CBD but will see if I can finish early to make the night.
+1 - thanks.

Nothing like an interborder guest speaker to raise our profile. Makes it all worthwhile if they bring out a dud snitznel.