Most Valuable Use of the Internet

I'm sitting here at home watching the rain come sweeping across for the umpteenth time today.

It got me thinking about the most valued use I make of the internet......and I realized it's the BOM rain radar, which I check most days rain looks like it is on the cards.

Other valuable uses I suppose are:
- internet banking
- online shopping
- forums for sharing info about investment
- product reviews (was looking at buying a VW Tiguan recently and a VW forum listed all recent purchase prices by enthusiasts)
- access to product manuals and repair how to's.

Then I got to thinking, if I value the rain radar so much, how much would I pay if it was a paid subscriber service. Probably up to $100pa.
Isn't the rain wonderful?

My most valued internet usage is email. I keep in touch with family and friends, follow groups and forums of particular interests. I have made many friends through emails, many of whom I have now met in "real life".

No axe-murderers so far.....
Yep, I'd agree with weather stuff and certainly emails......especially document delivery in the form of attachments - no more faxes - just pdf's of contracts etc. Same with photos & video - instant delivery - especially as a BA, you can just get an instant answer from a client anywhere in the world.

Also "google" - I don't think the encyclopaedia get opened anymore. Just such a great research tool.
emails, internet banking, somersoft,, asx ... that about covers my usual day on the net. a bit of surfing when after a specific topic but usually get bored quickly.
My main use is currency trading;

My week is opposite to most people, in that I look forward to Monday morning and get a bit bored on the weekend and public holidays.
Adding to what everyone else says I'll throw in chat.

I'm in sydney talking to a mate in London who's sitting in front his TV with his laptop telling me who's winning tennis in melbourne. I've known the guy for close to 30 years but only seen him once or twice in the last 10.

Instant communication to any developed location in the world for pretty much nil cost would have been incomprehensible 15 years ago.
im sure sites like and have been very useful sites for most people here to help them do research, compared to looking at every re agents windows and increased peoples interest in getting into investing :) suprised its not mentioned before..

edit: i must be going blind in my old age for not seeing it mentioned before