Moving banks for better valuation?

CBA offset.

When they finally fix that mess they call MISA, they will gain a heap more business in my opinion

Why would they do it though? Think how much free money is sitting in peoples everyday CBA accounts no offseting interest. This is the real reason CBA hasn't changed the MISA account :cool:
Every loan has to be assessed on it's on merits (your personal financial circumstances). I often say home loans are akin to weekly sales in Coles or other major outlets. They are available for short periods, provide a saving and they can often be utilised. That being said, your broker will be able to guide you around pitfulls or issues that relate to each bank and it's products. Many of my recent clients have signed with Citibank in recent times, but that is not to say this will happen tomorrow. Your question must go much deeper than understanding whether or not Citibank is good or bad.
That being said, your broker will be able to guide you around pitfulls or issues that relate to each bank and it's products.

A freudian slip no doubt, but such a great one : )

A bunch of Pit Bulls

A pitfull of snakes

WB BC btw

Im sure GW can come up with some other puns

Quite simply, the valuation is at the hands of an individual working for the company contracted by the financier. The valuations are not influenced by the banks at all. The final outcome of the valuation is at the hands of the individuals knowledge of your area. Like every profession we have goood and bad. I have seen some out of charactor valuations, particularly on the conservative side in today's climate.