Need a push to change to IO

Hey everyone,
Im currently paying P&I on my IP, as iv lernt from reading this forum and other forums is that its better to have IO loans on IP's..

I keep saying im going to change to IO but I keep putting it off, there is no reason for me to be paying P&I is there ?

Changing from P&I to IO will save me about $35 a week,
It's personal preference. It depends on what you plan to do with that $35 per week. If you plan to use it to fund other assets, then IO is the way to go.
What will you do with the $35 pw?

if it dissappears into your spending for no resultant increase in net worth then I suggest you stay as you are.

If, however, you have any personal debt then this is probably the best place for it. A PPOR loan for example. Or a PPOR deposit account. Save it in a managed fund maybe.

But unless it goes towards increasing your net worth then stay as you are.

If you are disiplined with your spending, then it is best to open an offset account & put the extra money in there (making sure it is a 100% offset). Whenever you decide to invest again, you can just pull the money from the offset account & use it as needed. You should obviously check the structure of the loan with your broker/ accountant.

If you tend to spend a bit if the extra money is available, you should keep the loan as is.