New fangled things I don't get....

That's mainly for the business ads. But elsewhere, bottled water must be at least equal in its exposure.

It seems that no schoolkid is allowed to stray more than 100 metres without clutching a bottle (and the obligatory hat). A wander off to the lockers is hardly a Simpson desert trek you know!

And the ads for the swank private schools seem to have more than their fair share of 'beautiful people' bottle-clutchers pictured.

My kids clutch bottled water - but closer inspection will reveal the label almost non existent by constant rinsing and tap refilling ...

You tried buying a drink bottle with a pull out top for less than $8 these days?
For those of you using rice you use more rice in your diet than you used to before having it? Does is make brown rice edible?
I must agree on the love for rice cookers! I never even knew one existed until at Uni in Oz and I was on a sushi making mission - a nice neighbour brought over his rice maker and I have never cooked rice on my own again (he ended up moving back to Japan, and left me his rice cooker which I still have!). I prefer short-grain rice, so rinse it a few times, fill water about a cm or 2 above the rice, hit cook rice - done! It switches on it's own to keep warm when the rice is cooked, and always cooks the rice perfectly. At the same time, you can entertain, cook whatever else you want, set tables, etc without having to worry about it.

A great gadget I also fell in love with coming to Oz - the kettle! These are not so prevelant in the USA - or not ones you just stick on a base like you do here (much bigger brewed coffee drinkers there). Great ideas!

Gadgets I hate - most of them :D Mainly because I have no idea how to use them! :eek:

For those of you using rice you use more rice in your diet than you used to before having it? Does is make brown rice edible?

I love brown rice. It has more flavour and texture.

Must be better for you too, brown things usually are.
Talking about gadgets - I just moved into my parents house in Brissy - they have an old gas stove that I have to use a match to light. It has taken me 2 wks to get the courage to light it cos I'm afraid I will blow myself up (using gas is new to me so don't laugh). I still haven't mustered up the courage for the oven! Maybe one day.

I am a gadget person and I have bought so many the cupboards are full. I am in the process of giving away all these electrical appliances I thought I needed but never used. Time to streamline and declutter. Still trying to work out the slow cooker one - I might try cooking rice in it!
Hi Eco,

Go and buy a gadget to light the gas with, they used to be called gas guns.

Much easier and safer than lighting gas and fingers at the same time with a match :D
Hate gadgets. Dont use IM, dont have a PDA, fancy software, and my mobile is a plain old beaten up Nokia.

Oddly enough, I work in IT. Go figure.

And why the hell do razers come with 5 blades now!!!
And why the hell do razers come with 5 blades now!!!

Yep, and why stop at 5:eek:

For those eating Jasmine rice, it is really high in Carbs - try switching back to basmati - it is way better for you! Of course, brown rice is better still.

I never buy Australian rice - unless it is from the NT! As a lower river Murray resident I can see the damage that users from the upper reaches of the Murray Darling basin are doing to the River Mouth. And cotton growers too. Rant over!