New Subway store

Looks great Geoff, and I love reading your message boards. If you can put a smile on peoples faces you have made the world a better place.
You are without doubt "The Punmeister".

I also love Subway, in the world of chain store takeaway it's an oasis of taste in a desert of blandness.

As for the sauces, Fat???
Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow you may die is my motto. :D

Best of luck with it.

Nice store Geoff! Good luck with it.

It often makes me laugh when people are so concerned about the fat content in sauce and other things. But they don't seem to care about calories, sugar content, additives, preservatives, sodium, etc... A bit of fat here and there isn't going to kill you. Eat and enjoy (in moderation of course) :)


It looks great, good luck with the new store.

My only concern was where the sign is to Place The Order looked a little cramped? it may be the angle of the photo, I was trying to work out where the hordes would queue.


Southwest sauce- also my favourite- is unfortunately the highest in fat (about 50%).
Honey mustard- I'm just guessing, but I suspect the ingredients include honey and mustard. But it's very low in fat (1.5%).

Well its kinda like cottage cheese. It makes you fat......... You only ever see fat people eating it.;)

Congrats on the new store Geoff.

Looks very fresh and modern, Geoff - when do you expect to have the new store up & running?

All the very best - hope everything goes without a hitch.

Looks great. I wouldn't spend on signage below counter level. After all, when people are 4 deep at the counter who is gonna see it? :D

The uniforms and the signage up high says what the outlet is.

Best of luck (esp. with staffing, I saw in another recent thread the neverending cycle of sickdays/resignations :rolleyes: ..... must be the groundhog day of rostering. I sympathise)

All the best for your latest venture.
I agree when was the last time anyone you know said wow that subway doesn't have signage underneath the counter I'm not eating there I think the ones underneath are a waste

cheer sam
Looks very fresh and modern, Geoff - when do you expect to have the new store up & running?
I'm not sure of a date yet- but somewhere late October or early November.

You need to hang a signboard on one of the side walls :D
I'll talk with them about that. But that side wall is not as prominent as the front. It's not in the main walkthrough area- though it is next door to a big liquor outlet.

And thanks for all the other comments, I'll be keeping them in mind.
open on a weekend, and i'll be there to buy one :p

Only thing that particularly strikes me is it seems to be a bit "backwards"
ie, most all the other subways I've seen run from right to left (from a customer's pov)
Not that this is necessarily bad - a subway in wagga does something similar.. it just always strikes me as being backwards, and i've always thought it would be a lot harder to maintain a good production line.

You're obviously going to have a fair bit of backroom space, which is excellent.
I challenge anyone who is hungry to walk past a Subway store and not want to desperatly buy a sandwich. Such a yummy yummy smell.

Geoff what is the story with the Subways with the ordering machines in front of the counter??

I haven't used one but it looks like it would easily bog the whole process down if the customer doesn't know what they are doing.

I notice you don't have any.

I have seen them in Subways at Morayfield and Logan Hyperdome.
I'm not sure of a date yet- but somewhere late October or early November.

The latest date is December 12.

Maybe we will make that date. There's a lot of things which have been completed, so that the list of things which could cause a delay has been dropping.

I've been paying rent since October 30- and in a Westfield, that hurts.

As does the extra I've been paying to new staff members. (I've lost a few already- not everybody can wait for a store opening to be postponed for some weeks. I've "over rostered" for a few weeks now- buit that means that new people are not used to pressure).
One of our local Subways has a lot of discount coupons (shop-a-dockets etc) which are for this store only. The nearby Subway in the shopping centre has another sign near the "order here" one... It says, "please present any discount coupons here first, as not all are accepted at this store". Don't know if you need anything like that? Looks good to me... can't see anything wrong with the left- right ordering... personally, I dislike post-mix but understand it is much more cost effective than bottled ones... I always get water anyway.
Shop a dockets haven't been effective for me, probably becuase my store is not close to the mall stores where they are issued.

As for drinks- there is a revision to the plans. The drink fridge was hidden away where customers couldn't see. I've had it moved 90 degrees, but that's taken a hunk of space out of my counter area- it's a full length fridge.

The only real trouble I've had with coupons is where people rip the date of out of date coupons and express surprise that it's expired.
Geoff, only a minor point - but what happened to the old red brick wallpaper they have on the walls in the stores? Noticed it doesn't appear in your picture. A new store opened up only about 3 months ago in my street and they still put up the "bricks"?