No Clauses, but....

If I get pre-approved finance and then state no clauses, but during the cooling off period org for a Building and Pest inspectn, is the RE obliged to make sure the place is avail during the cooling off period. Then if the Inspectn is not good enough I can pull out, or renegotiate the price.
One RE is trying to get me to have the B&P Inspectn done before I put in the offer??
He has even suggested a builder and pest inspector, yeah right, I will find my own thanks.
You could lose part of your deposit if you pulled the pin (unsure of SA rules). As you only have 3 days I'd be wary of not adding a building/pest inspection as a clause. Unsure of your circumstances but I'd throw the finance clause in for good measure as a "pre-approval" is by no means formal approval. The property may need to be valued (depending on lender and/or LVR)and must be "acceptable" to the lender.

Once you sign a contract you cannot add clauses. Ensure that any clauses you want are included from the outset.

You could ask for permission to enter to do an inspection, but without a clause in the contract the vendor is entirely within his/her rights to refuse. And even if you found problems you would have no right to terminate the contract.

If you want the bargaining advantage of offering a contract without clauses, then the RE is right, get the inspections done first.