Obama kills War on terror

Obama has showed what he is made of in beginning the dismantling the most unpleasant elements of Bush's disastrous war on terror.


So many Americans must be proud and finally able to walk tall again. Finally the have the mud off their face (or is it mud, there has been a nasty smell too!)

There seem to be many cynics in the states, and I agree its imporant to be cautious with politicians, but the demonstrates a genuine commitment morals and values.

Note also he didn't just promise and talk about doing these things. He kept his mouth shut about the torture and the israel conflict until he was in a position to do something and then made them among his first priorities.

Congrats USA.
Welcome back to the civilised world.
it's a start, but there's still a long and slippery road ahead.

if the US decide that Israel has no right to kill people ad-hoc, including their own citizens, then we might see some world stability.