Our SMSF selling its property-can I buy it?

Hi, We are selling our SMSF property. If we have written appraisals and valuations on the property to show we are not trying to fiddle the books, can we as individuals purchase it for a fair market price?
Yes you can, as long it is on an arm's length basis.

Can be residential or commerical ie do not get confussed by the fact that you can not transfer residential the other way (ie personal to SMSF)
Section 66 restricts what the smsf trustee can acquire from a related entity - however there is no restrictions on what the related parties can acquire from SMSF - Please note that Sec 109 suggests that all dealings with the SMSF should be at arms lenght - so you will need a licenced valuer - you may have to pay stamp duty - please check with your solicitor or OSR in your state.

Manoj Abichandani
SMSF Specialist Advisor
SMSF Specialist Auditor
Technical Advisor
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