overdue payments....what to do ?

Hi, it happens.

What I did was get a manager who knows the eviction process. 1st, the 14 day notice was sent & as normal got ignored. We got the bailiff & swooped. Actually, swooped. I refused anything less than full payment [in my case only $5100] Next time I'll include legal fees.

I actually wanted to forgo the rent owing just to get rid of him but unfortunately he paid.

His lease had only 2 months to go & of course he didn't pay the rent. We pre empted his option to renew by putting the rent up & he left. Leaving a load of rubbish for me to clear.

Another tenant was as tardy on rent. I instructed the manager to let him vacate. Surprise, surprise, he paid all monies owing plus we upped the rent 10% and had him on only a 12 month lease. Subsequently we put him on 2 year lease & he's now dragging his feet on rent.

Another 10 months, he's going to be on another rent increase plus a 'good behaviour' clause [from me] Otherwise he can get the hell out of my property.
