Pop Up Killer Idle???

Help please. Am being drowned in pop ups. The icon on bottom toolbar (please excuse any wrong computer lingo) says pop up killer idle??? :( :mad: :eek: What to do?


Turn off your PC. No more pop-ups!

Then turn it back on again and upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer. It includes a pop-up stopper.

You should also grab a copy of Pop-up stopper - a free pop-up stopper (as you'd expect). It does a good job of blocking nasties.

Then grab some good anti-spyware software so that any software on your PC triggering pop-ups is killed. I recommend Ad Aware and Bazooka. In combo they keep out just about every piece of spyware.



If you are running Windows XP you can also 'cure' your problem by doing System Restore (Start->Control Panel->Performance and Maintenance->System->System Restore) to the point of time before the pop-ups began to appear. It's quick, easy and effective.

1. You will also 'undo' any set-ups or installations performed on your computer between the Restore Point and now. However, you will not loose data files.
2. There's no guarantee that you won't get infected again in the future.


Thanks for all the help. As I'm a computer innocent my son will implement the changes. Thanks again.

By the way I feel drawn to the Firefox thingy - is this downloaded or purchased at the shop? I'm assuming it is not microsoft??

Doh, silly question sorry. Have just visited Firefox site and am downloading while we speak. (an adventure for me :eek: ). Still suffer from the childhood stuff sometimes you know - "don't touch, you will break it etc etc and ....etc."
Hey Glebe and all

Firefox humming along in great form. Not one pop-up so far :)
I feel it is quicker than Crazy Browser that we were using.

Thanks to the sommersoft brains trust.

Cheers Bawley
More help please re firefox.

A question or two.

How do I close a webpage without closing the browser?

How do I have multiple webpages open simultaneously and jump between?

Thanks Bawley
bawley said:
How do I close a webpage without closing the browser?
What do you mean by close a Webpage? You normally just go to another Webpage to "close" a previous one.

How do I have multiple webpages open simultaneously and jump between?
You can open each Webpage in a separate tab. To get a new tab, either select "New Tab" from the File menu, type Ctrl+T, right-click the tab bar (if present) and select "New Tab", or right-click a hyperlink and select "Open in New Tab".

To close a tab again, right-click the tab bar and select "Close Tab".

Asking a quick question
I split between IE and firefox.
with IE somehow I'm getting a lot of popup stuff even though i havent turned it on.
It just starts all up on its own and takes me to pages like - get a ringtone here or lodge your domain name etc.

Cant find a program and erased all my cookies.

So would the post #6 by nic still be correct?

Running XP as well..
