PPOR or IP, 2nd Property

Hey guys,

I purchased my first IP in Oak Park, Victoria last year.

I am now engaged, and my partner and I are wanting to purchase another property as soon as we've accumulated enough of a deposit.

Whilst we would love to stop renting and purchase a house, the way I see it our options are:

1. Buy an investment property that is negatively geared, keep renting
2. Buy an investment property that is positively geared or more neutral, keep renting
3. Buy a PPOR that is temporary (ie, not what/where we would want to actually live), not expensive, and could become an investment property later down the track
4. Buy a PPOR that better suits our needs (ie is more $$)

I want to make the best decision now that will not hinder us from a cash-flow perspective later down the track.

For instance, if we considered option 4, the sort of place i'm look at would cost us around 600-700k minimum. Assuming we had accumulated a $100k deposit, thats still quite a hefty P+I repayment. Need to think about - kids, what happens if she has to take a year or two off work ? School later down the track etc. Doing this now would mean it would be quite some time before any more IPs were even remotely possible I'd imagine.

Option 3, well, I don't see financially why it would be better than just buying an IP to start with and just renting - (I've already had the FHB Grant years ago, so I'm not sure that my partner would qualify).

Options 1 and 2 are what I'm leaning to (as the outlay to keep an IP is small, and for $430 a week we are living in a beautiful rental property). Then again I wouldn't want any IPs to restrict our ability to purchase the PPOR of our "dreams" later on.

I've got a few decent pay rises I can expect over the coming years as well. Of course what I'm not considering here is capital growth from my 1st property.

I guess what I'm interested in reading about are other peoples stories who've had to consider similar options and the rationale used behind making the decision...

Many thanks in advance :)


Number 2 if you can find a CF+ IP, otherwise number 1.

Rents are cheap in Australia, live it up at your landlords expense while you save / service your IP loans