Preserving deductibility for future flexibility

As part of some necessary extensions on our PPOR we have installed ducted reverse cycle A/C. We are paying for it using a credit card (since we can and it didn't make any difference to the final price than if we had paid cash).

Point is we have a mortgage with an offset account; we've managed over the last few years to keep the offset account cashed up to close to the outstanding loan amount, so not paying much interest currently, but want to keep the loan account up as much as possible to preserve the potential for deductibility should it ever become an IP. We would like to include the $9-odd K that the A/C is costing in that loan.

Is it sufficient (as in, would it withstand scrutiny), for deductibility purposes, to draw down the exact amount paid for the A/C from the loan, and deposit that in the credit card account before it comes due? In that way it has always been 'financed'...

Considering Domjan's case it is a bit doggie. The safest way would be to get you statement and take a cheque for $9,000 from your loan and write a cheque for the balance of the debt on the card from your personal account and deposit them at the same time and make sure it is enough to clear the debt completely ie include any transaction since the statement.
