Q?: if you buy a house with Solar panels and feed contract is that transferable to yo

On Thursday we are viewing a possible PPOR. From aerial photos I can count 20 (!!) solar panels on it. From the age of the house, it's possible they may have been put in when the Grid Buy price was decentish.

If I buy the house, do I get the same Grid price or do I start a new contract?

I have no idea if the house actually generates excess power - I can also find 2 air con motors, a pool and a LOT of lights :) I'll be asking them for information about their power usage if they don't mind sharing.

BTW this is WA.
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You are a legend. I couldn't find the information anywhere and I feared that the contract was between original parties and wouldn't be able to be transfered.

So if they entered the agreement when it was 40c then I get that too.