QS report worth it?

I currently have three country properties, two of which are in personal names and one in a company name (under a trust). They are all pretty much positively geared, in that rent outstrips the repayments. However, I have not yet ordered QS reports for them for this reason. Am I doing the wrong thing?
Two of the houses are about 35 yrs old and have nothing remotely new or modern in them worth depreciating. The kitchens and bathrooms are original and the floor coverings quite worn.
However, the third house is about 20 yrs old, has a new hot water service, a fairly new air conditioner and a modern combustion stove. Would this one be worth getting a schedule done on it? (This is the house in the trust)
Hiya Jax

The house in the trust i would get a QS report for, the other two I would probably let go.

Have fun

I know of a 35 year old property where the new owner did a quick reno for about $5000. The QS report came back with $15,000 worth of deductions - well worth the $400 of getting the report done.