Refund of Stamp Duty

Hi all.
I sold a commercial property in QLD after holding it for 3 years and I sold a residential property in NSW after also holding it for 3 years.

My question is this:
Does anyone know if I can get a refund on a portion of the property stamp paid?

I've looked up other states policies and can only find NT where it says it will refund a portion within 5 years.

Thanks in advance
i'm not sure about commercial - but in nsw purchasing stamp duty on a residential property is not refundable in any form. once it's paid it disappears into the government coffers never to be seen again.

if you mean "land tax", then you can apply to have it refunded if you settle on a property very shortly after the beginning of the "land tax year", doesn't mean you'll get it back tho.

if you mean "loan mortgage insurance" then talk to your bank as a portion could be refundable depending on various factors.