request for new lease 4 months in advance: should I be worried?

As the title suggests, tenants have asked for a new lease 4 months in advance. Current 12 months lease completes in May09; and they have already requested a new one to May10.

The PM doesn't seem to think anything cynical going on ... and the tenants have been pretty good till date. He's recommending to wait till mid-Feb to draw up the new lease.

Should I be worried? This is a first for me ... and seems all too good? :confused:
has the pm inspected the property lately? if all is well and rent is paid on time, what could be the issue? lock it in while you can. i assume that rent increase is automatic?
As the title suggests, tenants have asked for a new lease 4 months in advance. Current 12 months lease completes in May09; and they have already requested a new one to May10.

The PM doesn't seem to think anything cynical going on ... and the tenants have been pretty good till date. He's recommending to wait till mid-Feb to draw up the new lease.

Should I be worried?

I've had a lot of requests also from my tenants. I think they are worried on 2 fronts: worried that the rents will go up astronomically and worried that they won't be able to find a place if you end their tenancy. (I guess all media driven). It is just their risk mitigation strategy. Love it :)
One of my best tenants just renewed their lease due in July. They also offered $20 more than the asking price to secure the property. Some people are not good with uncertainties.
I have had really good tenants for the past 12 months and their lease was due to expire in Jan 09, Back in Nov they asked if they could sign another 6 months, as they wanted to get the cable TV and internet hooked up, and didnt want to do it, if they werent going to be there for much longer.

I was happy, as it saved me finding new tennants, and these ones seem to keep the place neat and tidy and the rent is always on time.

They may have had a real worrying experiance b4 they got that one and are scared to have to go through that again, sounds good ,id lock em' in eddie!
wow ... that's few good +ve responses & helps to know that I'm not the only one in this boat.

Will give them the benefit of doubt and go with it.

thanks all
I think they're just getting in early. May will be here before too long!

Here's a similar question along those lines... what's stopping a tenant from requesting, say, a 3 year residential lease? Obviously with yearly rent reviews included so the landlord is not getting screwed over...

I don't know how much extra comfort this may provide the tenant... a lot can happen in three years. Just a thought. :)
These tennants are really happy to stay and that's why they want to neg a lease early (if you're below market rental they may agree to a rent increase). while it is your house, it is their home. they must like their home if they want to stay on so urgently.