Savvy accountant in Sydney? Trust structures for shares & property

Hi all,

I'm after a referral to a savy accountant in Sydney to set some trusts/companies up for my Partner and I and help with managing them moving forward.

Specific requirements are as follows:

1 structure for "riskless" assets (assets such as shares, units in managed funds, Warrants etc) - basically I want to put all financial markets assets into this structure, ideally so that if my partner and I were personally sued for any reason these would be protected. Ideally this would also allow allocation of dividend stream to the lowest income earner and any loans (i.e. margin loan) to be in the name of the higher income earner - thoughts? Is this a trust (which sort?) with a corporate trustee? Does anyone have experience with margin lending through one of these structures?

1 and more structures for "risky" assets. We currently own two investment properties in our own names and are on the acquisition path for more. Our plans also include construction / development on these existing properties - so I would like further properties to be bought within appropriate structures to isolate ourselves from litigation risks and to give tax planning flexibility, also we'd like advice on how to develop existing properties without the risk of litigation taking current assets.

Thanks for your assistance!

Deepmarine :cool: