setting up trusts, companys and protection

So i have decided on what way to go with my investments. I want to set up trusts and such for the asset protection and have a few small questions.

First one is can any one recommed a good place in sydney that can set up my trusts and/or companys for my goals and my future investment portfolio?

Next, how does it work with me renting a place from one of my trusts? is there benfitis from this at all?

Lastly, if there any other benfitis from setting up trusts and companys other than asset protections? will it help with the financing, tax benifits and such?

I intend to have a "keep" portfoilo where I have properties I buy dont need to touch and keep, a portfoilo where I renovate, rent and hold for the equi and another one that will be for developments and adding value to properties that i sell for a profit.

Am i on the right track here and is my thinking of how to set this up right? any contacts on places that can actually help me set up what I am after would be much appricated.

would rather be safe than sorry, want the eventually not have to work my current job and do developments and renovations for a living part time. So want to set everything up correctly sooner rather than later.
Trusts have many other benefits too:
- tax effective
- estate planning

Becareful in setting up your own trust as there are many issues to consider and doing it yourself could result in problems.