Single Digit Millionaires BOO HOO

I just read this and thought I would post it others can read. It's an interesting take on wealth and the security money brings.

My favorite quote from the whole article is ...

Spouses talk, and now that resort in Mexico the family enjoyed so much last winter is not good enough when looking ahead to next year. Summer camp, a full-time housekeeper, vintage wines, country clubs: the cost of living bloats.

How pathetic!!!!

I was tempted to say "only in America" but we are living near a family who might have jumped right out of the pages of that article. Very amusing for us (and everyone else who knows them) to watch them wrestle with their wants, needs and others' expectations.

Maybe I'm turning into a chardonnay drinking lefty, but the article made me sick. I mean here is a country (ours included) that holds an inordinate amount of wealth and prosperity relative to the rest of the world and we have people whinging that $5million isn't enough money. "Boo Hoo I can't send my kids to private school and I have to drink 98 Shiraz..........wah".

I can tell you that If I had a portfolio worth $5mil, returning at least 5% p.a. with a fully paid for PPOR.........I'd be on easy street.
I can tell you that If I had a portfolio worth $5mil, returning at least 5% p.a. with a fully paid for PPOR.........I'd be on easy street.

Of course "most people" have this attitude. Whatever their economic station in life, they reckon if they were 2 or 3 stations higher up the track, they'd be on easy street, could put their feet up and cruise along with not a care in the world. It doesn't work like that unfortunately.

If you turn around and look back down the track, there are some Indians and Chinese who are about 2 or 3 stations below you with the same attitude, although their binoculars can only see as far down the track as where you are now. If you have a chat to them, they'll say that when they get to your stage in life, everything will be cruisy. Of course, if they hear you bleat about your lot in life right now, they'll probably have the same contempt for you as you have for the Yanks in the article.

Having worked and lived in the Middle East for a few years in a former life, I can confirm that their are people from Eritrea and Djoubuti (sp) who are so far back down the track, they can only dream of being at the station that the Chinese and Indians currently occupy. What you currently enjoy is beyond even their dreams. They are just trying to avoid being shot and having something in their stomach. If those two things are achieved, it's been a great day.

I reckon it's human nature to aspire to better's just that those Americans depicted in the Silicon Valley article are further up the track than what we are here...on average in Oz, and hence we think their whinging and whining is un-called for. Of course, they are comparing themselves to mega-wealthy folk even further up the track and lamenting their relative 'poor' position. They probably haven't given one moment's thought to the vast bulk of the world's population behind them on the track, us included, as they are firmly focussed and comparing themselves to what's on up ahead.

Make sense ??

The real question for me is.....where is this track headed ?? Are we all destined to eventually sit in front of plasma TV's, watching the unfortunates of the world at a safe and hygenic distance whilst having servants do our every pedantic bidding, busily doing the chores whilst we check our stock prices and portfolio net worth, because anything else we spend our time on is simply not economically sensible ?? Maybe we be like Gates and Buffett and jog around to the start of the track again ??
Reading through the article I get the distinct impression that these people all still the almighty consumers and certainly have not adopted an investment mindset.

Generally they are investing in their home and one quote even refers to 'savings' as if the savings were sitting in the bank or at least in a highly liquid form.

Most of the wealth has been given to them as a reward for doing the 60-80 hour weeks so they are still conditioned to a nexus between their type of wealth and work. Obviously whilst they are engaged in these ridiculous hours they are never going to be in a position to turn their minds methods of generating passive income.

Good post Dazzling, I think you have captured some excellent points.

Many on this forum are single digit millionaires, some double digit. It does not necessarily mean that they have reached their goal - it is a means to an end. Money does not resolve all issues, ones goals need to be more than that. I believe you have to concentrate on what you actually want out of life.

The real question for me is.....where is this track headed ?? Are we all destined to eventually sit in front of plasma TV's, watching the unfortunates of the world at a safe and hygenic distance whilst having servants do our every pedantic bidding, busily doing the chores whilst we check our stock prices and portfolio net worth, because anything else we spend our time on is simply not economically sensible ??

The choice is your's. Your investing will give you some choices but you mind will hold you back if you let it.
Mr. Steger says. “But a few million doesn’t go as far as it used to. Maybe in the ’70s, a few million bucks meant ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,’ or Richie Rich living in a big house with a butler. But not anymore.”

That is how I think. A couple o' mill isn't made in the shade. Not when a suburban house is worth $650 thou

I notice article says "The couple’s net worth of roughly $3.5 million places them in the top 2 percent of families in the United States." Are they sure?...... Top 2%? That doesn't seem right.

Ms. Baranski and her husband, Paul, live modestly. She drives a 2006 Subaru, her husband a six-year-old Saab. Their children attend public school, and vacations tend to be modest affairs centered on visiting family....
Sounds cool! :D