
Just found this 2014 one which is a more recent one than the 2011 ones, where they are having a crack at JB and the SMSF

Grandmothers, perhaps try ducking for cover

Also this one on InvestEd, which reminded me of the funds Pete Spann was offering pre-GFC. The GFC hammered a lot of funds, look at Navra

Funds Promoted by Sequoia (JB Global) and Macquarie

I read this article but wasn't interested in the berkshire hathaway investment, although I spoke to a couple of people that had done it in the past who were more than happy with the returns they had achieved.

I hadn't seen the other article but it is talking about the same investment.
As for the fees we have paid less than we did with our industry fund.

Justin is very big on education and for you to take responsibility for your own super. He is aligned with PRE quite heavily and he will try and get you to buy property for your super fund from them.
I have had several meetings with Justin both at his office in Sydney and up in Newcastle since my last post and so far so good.
Have bought more shares and another investment on Justins advice and so far they are all doing ok.

Did he issue a statement of advice and disclose his commissions earned?