So is a PPOR an asset a liability or something else again?

I am not big on what gurus have to say either :) But I do find that I learn a lot when I stop and question any assumptions I come up against. Now that I think on it I have a very simplistic way of looking at it. I just ask myself two questions - is it helping my plan along? Is it helping me build the life I want to live?

You and I think so similarly on a number of issues it's scary (for you). For me I like the idea of having a similar thinking pattern to such a switched on lady.

Its an asset, but with no revenue stream. Bit like gold, but you can borrow against its worth.

nice nutshell defintition. It also may just be your use of the property that is seeing it not having a cashflow i.e. you are temporarlity developing it, you are livingin in it etc