SPAM/Junk Mail problems

Dear guys,

I have had problems with spam and had been looking for the best way to correct this.

Have found a great FREE program that is worth giving a donation to.

I use it and would recommend anyone use it that has a junk mail/spam problem.

(Remember when spam starts the company that has collected your e-mail address trades it to other spammers. Therefore your spam problem will exponentially get worse and worse and worse.)


Dear JoannaK,

No prob's glad to help.

I especially like the "bounce feature" which is the only real way of getting removed from spam lists. (The mail when bounced looks like your e-mail account is invalid. Therefore the spammer should take your e-mail off the list.)

If anyone else finds really useful programs, I encourage you to post these in the coffee shop as well.



The blurb looks good. Especially as it works on Hotmail. (I set up a Hotmail account for my 9yo daughter, it had sexually explicit mails within a week, before she had even sent any emails).

The Hotmail filters though did exclude some quite genuine posts- like the newsletter from my daugter's school.

I can see uses for my own email account. How good might it be, for instance, at keeping bad stuff out of the 9yo's account?

Thanks for the pointer- it looks promising.
I have been using this program for a few months now and it is very good. My only problem with it, is that a lot of the bounces are rejected or produce an error indicating that the email account of the sender is not valid. This is true when the spammer could not care about the address as they just want the recipient to access a web address that they supply.

I use the mailwasher program in conjunction with Spamcop retrieves the IP address of the spammer and then forwards an email to the abuse department of that address. Hopefully, the abuse department cancels the account but I can't verify this.

I have two hotmail accounts and one of them never receives spam. They are both setup identical so I am at a loss as to why anyone would receive spam without sending any email. Possibly because they have subscribed to a site and entered the address of the email account. I don't know but that is about the only way I know that people harvest addresses. If you are intending on subscribing to a newsgroup or forum, then I suggest you install a spam trap on your address. eg [email protected] and include a disclosure at the end of your message.
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