Subdivision of PPOR

Does anyone have any info on how I could determine whether my PPOR is subdividable; is it the council only or is there some other way to find out?Also, what is the investment potential of building on the subdivision and turning both into IP's as opposed to turning the current PPOR into an IP and buying another property to live in. Not sure, cost of building is not cheap. Has anyone gone down this path before? If so, what were the good, the bad, and the ugly bits in the process for you?
Call your local council and tell them what you wish to do.

They usually have loads of info, pamphlets or you can chat to someone and they will tell you.
What is your block size? Has anyone else in your street done something similar - that would give you an indication but in the end it will all be down to council, maybe sketch something up to show them and get an indication from them.