
I was wondering if anyone has a U-Beaut remedy for Sunburn?

My kids spent the day yesterday with their Dad on the beach, and aparrently there was a distinct lack of sunscreen, so I have two sore lobsters.

I've used "After-sun" gel, which has Aloe Vera in it, I'm loathe to put straight aloe on it (have LOTS in the garden!) as it tends to constrict the skin and I felt this would be more painful... The after sun stuff seems to be working, but they are still really sore.

They're having cool showers, and wearing soft shirts (had to write notes for out-of-uniform) and they'll probalby not be able to go to soccer training Wednesday night...

Would have asked in the chat room, but my mirc is broken. (keeps freezing the puter when someone tries to whisper to me, it's a conspiracy, I tell you, I'm gonna re-install it, methinks, that'll learn it)...

Anyhoo, would appreciate any thoughts on the sunburn thing.

asy :D
G'day Asy,

Cold black tea worked well for me (a decade or four back) - it cools, and just feels so much better - but doesn't smell so good (and then Mum had to wash the sheets after....) Just smear it on (lots of it) until things seem better. Don't rub it in !! (Ouchh!!)

I have NO idea if it is kosher in today's world (e.g. is this scientifically or politically correct) - but it worked for me - and you don't even need to go to the chemist to get it, eh?

G'day Mark,

Cold showers were not the answer, probably because of the water pressure (thus your comment of a spray bottle sounding much better).

From my recollections, cold water does help somewhat (sunburn always feels hot - wonder why?) - but the tannin seems to add an extra dimension, so I used cold tea whenever I was a bit stupid in the sun. Then I grew up (probably 30+ ... age, not sunscreen) and the problem went away :D

Lavender oil is fantastic for regular burns - it stings when you put it on, but after a short while it feels so much better. I don't know if there is any scientific proof of this, but my impression is that the burn heals faster.

Aloe vera gel straight from the plant, mixed with some lavender oils and comfrey cream.
Also drink mega-litres of water - being burnt is extremely dehydrating.
Also Vitamin C somehow helps with accelerating repairs.

this is the combo i use when in the back yard for too long.
I've always been told to fight fire with fire.

As hot a shower (or bath as it may be) that the kids can stand.

It takes the heat and the sting out of the burn.


ps. I ain't a Dr.
Wow Mark,

i would have thought, based on the laws of equilibrium, that putting a burn into even hotter water would heat the burn up... dunno though.

Thanks Shaun and Lindy, I have Aloe, and comfrey in the backyard... will see what I can do witht hem.

Kids seem much better today. Aloe gel seems to be working.

asy :D
Gee guys, you gotta stay away from heat and oil for burns.
Just go to a first aid site on the web.

it helps to bathe under gentle cold water showers, even ice in cold baths. Rationale is to draw the heat out of the skin. The skin is damaged remember, so we don't want to go and throw more heat into what is already heat damaged.

Drink lots of water as mentioned above.

Don't apply anything with oil in it as oil traps heat inside the skin, remember, it it doesn't conduct electricity or heat.

I agree Aloe straight from the plant lavished all over is as good as you'll probably get.
No probs Asy.

If the kids were really hurting in the first 48 hours, you might have given them voltaren and paracetamol to help decrease inflammation and pain.

At this stage, just keeping it lubed up with buckets of aloe vera scraped straight out of the stems and rubbed in gently for a minute or so for each region should soothe and moisturize the skin.

Make sure they are taking things more quietly and getting to bed earlier too. Will help the body heal quicker.

By Sat morning, they'll have forgotten all about it.

P.S. if they get nasty water or blood filled blisters, cover with soft loose bandages and bathe under cool water occasionally. They'll eventually resolve. Don't let them bust them though.

PPS. Scold their father next time you see him. (i mean verbally) :D
thefirstbruce said:
PPS. Scold their father next time you see him. (i mean verbally) :D


I don't need to, he's just as sunburned as they are.

Pack of dills, I tellya.

Still, could have happened while they were with me too, I guess, although I do have a bottle of sunscreen in the boot. (and a roll-on in my handbag)

He does feel badly about it. But the kids also have to learn not to just run off madly as soon as they hit the beach, they need to delay the gratification till their sunscreen is on.

Must admit, when they were little I tended to put the sunscreen on the kids AT HOME before leaving, coz otherwise you're chasing them all over the beach. That way, no-one gets in the car till they're creamed, and no-one gets forgotten!

asy :D

as paramedics up here in sunny qld we carry a product called "burn aid" i believe it is also avaliable to the general public through first aid suppliers.

The product is a soft songey layering containing water based gels that remove any heat from the skin's layers and has a soothing / analgesic affect to the area it is applied to.

If you can get your hands on some it might be worth your while.

Putting oils onto a burn reduces the skins healing process, as someone mentioned earlier sunburn (a superficial burn) results in dehydrated skin, putting an oil over the surface can hamper the re-absorption of water and slow the renewing process (peeling).

hope the kids are feeling better,

cheers e x