That Chaser Sketch - the make a realistic wish foundation

Ok.. thanks for the explanation

I understand your opinion better now !


Human, the gist of what I said would be lost on those who don't think past where their next beer or cool 'experience' is coming from.

To clarify, I think it is hypocritical PC rubbish that those who promote Australia as multicultural, such as the ABC which bank rolls the Chaser, are insensitive to all cultures, other than undergrad bogan culture.

What does multicultural mean if the values of only one culture are considered in determining the morality of what is screened by the tax payer funded national broadcaster. Why isn't the Hindu and Islamic community consulted on the appropriateness of what appears on the ABC?

Shows like the Chaser confirm Australia is not culturally sensitive, ergo not truly multicultural. Rather, one 'culture' dominates and bullies other cultures into passive silence.
1) the point of the joke was on the watcher - if you were horrified and offended then you are a hypocrit if you dont give money to the real manke a wish foundation... the joke was on the scrooges who have the temerity to turn around and be offended

2) If you ever live in a country where there is no freedom of speach. what you will see is that almost everyone walks around in daily fear of speaking up about anything at all because no one is ever sure where the line is - the Chaser has done us a favour in this regard.

3) Freedom of speach, even more so when it is offensive is very very valuable...

Mulla Omar actually did us all a huge favour by excercising his freedom of speach and calling Obama "the house negro"... at least now we know where the terrrorists stand.

And same with Hilali with his "uncovered meat" speah... it makes both of our positions very clear.

I'm almost in complete agreeance with you - but I wouldn't call everyone who is offended a hypocrit. I think those who are offended either didn't see the sketch or miscontrued it as making fun of sick children when it wasn't really about making fun of sick children.
Bill L
Hi all,

Is the 'Make a Wish Foundation' better off or worse off because of this skit and the media attention??

I would suggest better off because the topic is on everyones mind.

If there are areas that should be out of bounds to comedy groups, how do you draw the line?? If upsetting people involved in the area was the criteria, then there is not left to make fun of.

Irish jokes? - out, can't offend on grounds of race.
Blonde jokes? - out, not all blondes are like that. (just the majority )

Setting limits should not be necessary, virtually everyone has a remote control these days. If you don't like something, TURN IT OFF, DON'T WATCH IT!!

Yes, and that is a valid point made, MAW Foundation may possibly benefit, but remember people ARE hardwired with different temperaments, we may all be human but moral compass in many of us is set differently.

It is like this, an overriding image of Professor Chris O'Brien, a man with such courage, vision, warmth, compassion...who through his own life strived for betterment of patient cancer treatments...(holistic plus wise), achieved this without doing it at the expense of a person or persons dignity...denigration is a necessity byproduct for support and attention for child cancer awareness/Make A Wish Foundation publicity?

Therefore, it follows we should be grateful and not be furious at the bits that seem to think innocent (terminally ill) children are "fair game" ??

Chaser my opinion weren't setting out to facilitate betterment of childhood cancer/treatments or the MAW Foundation...the motive was laughs. Comedy show, call it black humor, satire, anything you want, the motive was laughs and probably ratings.

At the expense of MAW and children/families dealing with terminally ill disease.

Cheap shots.

They have had a request from me to pull the show off the air. Sometimes you just have a deep seated need to stand up for things you believe so strongly in and for those that may not have power of voice to be heard.

Absolute rot.
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Just as we have free speech we have a right to an opinion too. If someone is going to legally mouth off anything that pleases them then it's only fair that they wear any crap that may come with it.

My personal take on this one is that it was gobsmackingly insensitive with the Chasers overstepped the line from humour to very bad taste. The reaction by so many people that enjoy 'humour' but switched off indicates that.

Regardless of what Chaser's or anyone says was intended many with sick children and the children themselves are going to interperate it as cancer children being spoilt and selfish and you needn't bother since they're going to die anyway.

I wonder how many of those that consider it acceptable would continue to feel the same if their child had cancer?
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And let us spare a thought for the two young children who played the part of dying children, complete with headscarfs to hide supposed bald heads and dark rings around their eyes.

How do you think they are feeling - kids being what they are I am sure there are plenty of school yard taunts and derision.
This is not "news". How ridiculous, and it just shows how far towards the today tonight style reporting the general media is getting when you open newspapers and see the nightly "news" reporting on this. It's a tv show ffs, since when was the content of tv programs regarded as a news story?!! If you don't like it switch off, if enough people don't like it and switch off it will get canceled and things will have sorted itself out. This moral outrage thing is soooo ZZZZzzzzZZZzzzzzz.... commercial networks trying to run a successful prime time show off the air by reporting it as news, helllllooo!!!
This moral outrage thing is soooo ZZZZzzzzZZZzzzzzz.... commercial networks trying to run a successful prime time show off the air by reporting it as news, helllllooo!!!

So are you arguing The Chaser are fine to do a skit showing bogans 10 creative ways to bash Indian students into comas.....and imply the Indians deserve it for being whimpy ipod packing vegetarians? And anyone who doesn't like it should change the channel?
I believe that all of the tv 'news' shows continually showing re-runs have caused far more upset and harm than the actual show. When it aired originally it would have been seen by a fraction of the number of people who have now seen it thanks to the news stories reporting what a terrible thing it was to air - can anyone else see the irony in that?

Fair enough if they wanted to run the story but they should never have replayed the sketch. Good for the ratings of the news programmes though!
Poor children

Like what is happening to OUR WORLD.

Do any people out there have children? 1or 2or 3.

I have 2 surviving triplets.)
OK the third child died. At birth.

This Chaser programmed garbage that has come from the ABC that TAXPAYERS PAY FOR has really shitted me. And surely MANY others.

I was on dialysis for a number of years .
Over that time there were children from 5 yrs old that shared the same area on dialysis.

Yes massive needles in their arms and blood pumping dialysis.:(
At times you were told of children that had passed away.:confused:

That made me feel really bad.
Me AT 33 still struggling along.

Yet these young children that had been laying NEXT to me , hooked up to a machine had died.
Of Course it effects you. :confused:
Really wanted to swap their place. And the place of their parents.

If you are fortunate enough that you are in a position of having healthy children feel blessed.

And to those of the Chaser Crew . can I only say that KARMA ALWAYS prevails :eek:
people should get a life and not try to get offended so easily. Remember it was a silly comedy sketch.

Imagine someone getting angry over Monty Phyton's sketch or some silly commercial mocking an Indian or Yogi or fat people. Do these people have the right to cause such a big stir in the news too?

What about overweight people? Overweight or mentally challenged (Mr Bean?) people are always the butt of some comedy or jokes. Yet the same people who got pissed off with the Chaser would easily laugh at jokes about overweight, bald, or mentally slow people! Hypocrites! Think about Australia's Funniest Home Videos - its basically laughing at the misfortunes of other people getting hurt! Yet that is acceptable!

I think this Chaser thing is blown out of proportion, with people taking opportunity to get angry and justified and try to act like they themself are 100% perfect and never said or made any silly mistakes in their life. Everyone tries to act like an angel.

The Make a Wish foundation is out there to make a profit too. How do those guys get paid? They are taking a $$ ride on the misfortunes of the children. Yes, sure they like the kids to wish for more and more expensive things. Isn't getting well good enough these days?

I want to go to Disneyland too, who is there to sponsor me?
Get RealOK

Yes we re all going to sponsor you! :D

May we ask if you have any children? Or are you still holding it !!:rolleyes:

Until then you are not real.

To loooooose a CHILD is THE MOST Traumatic life Event.

Above $$ & CERTAINLY any normal life event of job loss. Partner or Parent. ???
And seeing any one younger just re-inhances the life that we have at our present POINT IN Time :cool:
I dont watch it as I find the show cringworthy to say the least.

The sketch that i saw repeated sooooo many times on other channels was highly offensive, extremely insensitive, and showed a complete lack of taste.

You could even say that the chasers are really running out of options, panicking even to find something to "wage war" on.

Can the program I say, and save the taxpayers some money..

So are you arguing The Chaser are fine to do a skit showing bogans 10 creative ways to bash Indian students into comas.....and imply the Indians deserve it for being whimpy ipod packing vegetarians? And anyone who doesn't like it should change the channel?

Would more than likely be a breach of the Racial Discrimination Act., so no.
people should get a life and not try to get offended so easily. Remember it was a silly comedy sketch.

Imagine someone getting angry over Monty Phyton's sketch or some silly commercial mocking an Indian or Yogi or fat people. Do these people have the right to cause such a big stir in the news too?

What about overweight people? Overweight or mentally challenged (Mr Bean?) people are always the butt of some comedy or jokes. Yet the same people who got pissed off with the Chaser would easily laugh at jokes about overweight, bald, or mentally slow people! Hypocrites! Think about Australia's Funniest Home Videos - its basically laughing at the misfortunes of other people getting hurt! Yet that is acceptable!

I think this Chaser thing is blown out of proportion, with people taking opportunity to get angry and justified and try to act like they themself are 100% perfect and never said or made any silly mistakes in their life. Everyone tries to act like an angel.

The Make a Wish foundation is out there to make a profit too. How do those guys get paid? They are taking a $$ ride on the misfortunes of the children. Yes, sure they like the kids to wish for more and more expensive things. Isn't getting well good enough these days?

I want to go to Disneyland too, who is there to sponsor me?

Anyone who knows me would know that I have a massive sense of humour and I love alternative comedy especially Monty Python and most of the Chaser stuff. However to make fun of children who are dying is a different thing completely to making fun of poor people living in 'cardboard box in middle of road'. Sorry this does not sit well with me in any way shape or form regardless of anything else I may find amusing and if that makes me hypocritical so be it.

I am also intrigued to know why anyone would think that the 'Make a wish' foundation would be for profit?
The Make a wish said yesterday they had received $10,000 approx since the show, when they had normally received only a few hundred in the same time period. $10,000 hardly cuts it, considering all the angst, and as a previous poster said, loss of hope with the line ' they are going to die anyway'. That was heartless and unforgivable. They were talking about children, dying of cancer. Too black - no, pure evil.
people should get a life and not try to get offended so easily. Remember it was a silly comedy sketch.

Imagine someone getting angry over Monty Phyton's sketch or some silly commercial mocking an Indian or Yogi or fat people. Do these people have the right to cause such a big stir in the news too?

What about overweight people? Overweight or mentally challenged (Mr Bean?) people are always the butt of some comedy or jokes. Yet the same people who got pissed off with the Chaser would easily laugh at jokes about overweight, bald, or mentally slow people! Hypocrites! Think about Australia's Funniest Home Videos - its basically laughing at the misfortunes of other people getting hurt! Yet that is acceptable!

I think this Chaser thing is blown out of proportion, with people taking opportunity to get angry and justified and try to act like they themself are 100% perfect and never said or made any silly mistakes in their life. Everyone tries to act like an angel.

The Make a Wish foundation is out there to make a profit too. How do those guys get paid? They are taking a $$ ride on the misfortunes of the children. Yes, sure they like the kids to wish for more and more expensive things. Isn't getting well good enough these days?

I want to go to Disneyland too, who is there to sponsor me?

YOU ARE JUST COMPLETELY MISSING THE POINT! You just have absolutely not a single clue about it.:mad:

This skit is not about ADULTS - fat, skinny, dying. It is the fact that it concerns the worst thing that could EVER happen in ones life - your child dies/is dying of cancer.

I have to laugh when I hear people say" if you are easily offended, don't watch it."

I am NOT easily offended. I am comfortable in my own skin and take offence to very little.

I do however have young children and I do have enough empathy to realise that a thoughtless skit like that will hurt peole not just a little bit...but deeply enough that they will not be able to get over it for a long time.

You just don't get it.:mad:

Regards JO
Georges - dont you see the ultimate irony in your line:
people should get a life and not try to get offended so easily.

The story was about imminent death, of a child, and you tell us to get a life?:mad:
Georges - dont you see the ultimate irony in your line:
people should get a life and not try to get offended so easily.

The story was about imminent death, of a child, and you tell us to get a life?:mad:

Well said, Pushka.

Regards Jo