Trustee Entity Type Question

Can a trustee's entity be a trust? I am aware that it can either be an individual or company but haven't heard of a trust as a trustee?

If the answer is yes, it can be, I would presume, that for the purposes of a contractual relationship, that I would need to contract with a company or individual and establish that through the chain of trust/trustees?
Probably a question for the accountant, but I don't think the controlling entity can be another trust.

The trustee company can certainly be owned by another trust, via it's shares.
Another trust can be a beneficiary but it can't be a trustee because in the eyes of the law the trust doesn't have any 'legal' standing. Only equitable.
Can a trustee's entity be a trust? I am aware that it can either be an individual or company but haven't heard of a trust as a trustee?

If the answer is yes, it can be, I would presume, that for the purposes of a contractual relationship, that I would need to contract with a company or individual and establish that through the chain of trust/trustees?

No. A trust is not actually an entity, but an arrangement. Similar to a power of attorney. Only a legal person can be a trustee - an individual or a company.