What Do You Hope To Achieve By Investing? What's The Point Of It All For You?

Why invest? What do you hope to achieve at the end of the journey (if there is an end) or along the way? What the point of it all for you?

I shouted my finance broker lunch yesterday for getting my recent property purchase deal together (beautiful setting on the waterfront) & we got talking about things for the future. He said I'd be happy on a farm living a self-sufficient life with his wife & child - living a simple life! I thought that was a terrific way to spend your life!

Why build an investment portfolio for 5, 10, 20, 30 + years, when you could just buy 1 home & be happy???
Im hoping to be rich and be able to do whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want [like Alex lee's slogan] ;]

I want financial freedom and have worked very hard for it the past 4 or so years, theres still a long way to go but I can finally see myself moving at last!

I hope to retire early and do all the things Id like to be doing now but cant because Im always at work.

you cant do whatever you want without money, since I wanna be free, I need to be rich too.
I don't want to be filthy rich I just want to be able to quit work, go on a few overseas holidays per year, and help my children buy a house when they turn 18.

Of course a beach front house would be a good bonus.
First you get the property. Then you get the money. Then you get the power. Then you get the women...

(I'm a straight woman, but someone had to say it!! :) )
My reasons for investing:
step 1. To be totally financially free. I think 3 more years will do it.
step 2. Freedom to do what I want when it suits me.
step 3. Provide money-free future for myself and family.
step 4. Continue to accumulate wealth so I can create and fund a foundation for troubled and homeless youth in Aus, and be of a benefit to society through my wealth and time. More work needed.
step 5. It's fun.
IPs, shares, SMSF and pension then retirement at 55. Now the overseas trips, time to read, help my son, charity work and more attention for my wife (sorry Luce, one is enough :D ).

He said I'd be happy on a farm living a self-sufficient life with his wife & child - living a simple life!

even with this dream, you'd need some sort of passive income to replace your wage - unless you wanted to work yourself into the ground making the property produce enough to cover school, utilities, car, medical expenses etc etc.

unfortunately most doctors don't take a dozen eggs for payment anymore.

for me - freedom to choose.
Why invest ?

I initially started investing for the same reasons as everybody else - 'financial independance', 'get out of the rat race' ....

Although I still have these goals, I get a lot more out of investing than just $$'s. I enjoy finding deals, negotiating, rennovating and learning more about the finance and taxation aspects of investing. Investing has become a hobby.

What do you hope to achieve at the end of the journey ?

I don't think the investing journey has an end
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He said I'd be happy on a farm living a self-sufficient life with his wife & child - living a simple life! I thought that was a terrific way to spend your life!QUOTE]

Why is he not living that life now? I am guessing because the farm would not produce enough money. Most people have soem kind of dream but no plan on how they are going to get there. This forum is about the plan as much as the dreams.

i want enough money to live the life I want. I like to wake up in the monring and the day is mine. No-one telling me to set an alarm, how to dress, what time I need to start work and waiting for a tap on the shoulder to tell me that i can move up a rung on the ladder.

I want time and freedom to do what i want. I want to be able to help others. Apart from health not much else is really worth purchasing in my eyes.

I don't need to worry that my boss is going to catch me writing this post......
Always found investing, business, finance etc. interesting. May come from having older parents when I was growing up, always talking business at the dinner table etc.

Anyway, since about 13 or so I'd always been interested in the stock market, and in recent years it branched out further into property as well. Now looking at the more boring investments (for me anyway ;) )too like Managed Funds etc. for more sensibility/security.

As WillG mentioned, investing has always been my hobby. But I guess in part that's also due to my goal to be "rich" one day. Have'nt analysed too much what that word really means to me yet, I guess in it's simplest form - I want to be a millionaire :D it's just a bonus that I enjoy it all so much too! (unlike all my friends who look like a deer in the headlights when it comes to talking about stock markets, economy, investments etc.)
Investing has become my hobby too. But the point of it all is time, and freedom. To do what I want, with the people I choose, at a time that suits me.
Calm blue ocean, warm sandy beach, nice boat, cold beer, freshly caught cray's, anchorage to ourselves and Bloss by my side.

Almost there :)

To feed my ego and superiority complex :D

I love the honesty.

I want financial independence for me and my family.
I want to be able to retire early and travel. I would love to be able to be overly generous to anyone I want to ( family, friends, charity etc)
To feed my ego and superiority complex :D
Haha, love it. (your honesty)

Does anyone else share this honesty?

It makes for an interesting debate. Do people build wealth for themselves, or do they build wealth so they can feel better about themselves in comparison to other people?

Studies have been done which conclude that people would rather earn $70k/year when all their friends are earning $50k/year, instead of earning $100k/year when all their friends are earning $150k/year.

"Rich" and "wealthy" are comparitive terms. You are only ever rich or poor compared to someone else.

Often the underlying desire to be rich comes from wanting to feel better, stronger or bigger than someone else. I'm not saying this is the case for all people, but if some people were happier in themselves, they probably wouldn't need all the window dressing to feel more content with their own life.